180 Lake Rd, Port Macquarie NSW (next door to Spotlight)



YOUR LIFE GENTLE is a slower paced class tailored to seniors, It’s a fun social class of low impact freestyle aerobics with a charismatic trainer. The Goal here is to focus on mobility and gently elevating the heart rate to gain some health benefits moving to some of your favorite tunes. The Goal here is to not get too serious, have fun and just do the class consistently for results.

(Note – There is a special seniors price for this class)


Times & Days it’s on: TBC

I’m not very coordinated on the dance floor so what’s this class like to follow for first timers?

Very Easy Average Very Challenging


(Did you know that besides the fact that you will learn and get better at this class each time that part of our training as group fitness instructors is that we teach the easier options so where a class may be challenging we teach options during that part of the class so that if your still getting used to the class you can keep up at your own level so you don’t feel left out. A classic example is if we were doing a class where the new move was involving a little jump or hop there would usually be an option of a low impact such as walking the move through till you feel comfortable to try the harder level or in BODYPUMP you simply start with light weights and work up to more as you improve!)

How fit do I have to be?

Very Easy Average Very Challenging


(did you know that one of the main benefits of Les Mills classes is that they are pre choreographed meaning that it is the same music, moves and class style for 3 months before changing so chances are if you didn’t get it the first time each class from there will only get better for you as you learn!)

What direct Health component does this class achieve for you or Focus on?

Fitness                      coordination Strength                  Posture/Core Flexability            Relieves Stress


What other class types is it like? T Shirt Class, Active and Older classes.

If You Like this style you might also like these classes that have similar health goals: BODY VIVE, BODY BALANCE, YOGA.

Tips: For your first class arrive 10 mins early to have a talk with reception or the class instructor so we can talk you through what’s going to happen in the class. Make sure you have a towel, water bottle and good quality running or cross training footwear. Bags can be placed to the side of back of the class room so feel free to bring any other items you may need such as a spare towel or deodorant/toiletries.

Then Click here to see what times all our classes are on (time table link)